Daniel 11: The Warfare of Israel (Verses 1-22)

Daniel 10, 11, and 12 are one continuous chapter, divided up by the translators into three sections which will be divided up into four...

Daniel 9: The Covenant of Messiah the Prince

THE TIME OF MESSIAH'S COMING In the ninth chapter of Daniel, a prophecy of wonderful importance is given to us revealing the exact time when...

Daniel 7: III-The Coronation of the Heavenly King

THE JUDGMENT OF THE ANTICHRIST This article is the final study of Daniel 7, which is a three part lesson. To read pt. 1, click...

Daniel 4: The Seven Times V- The Beasts of Prophecy

THE SEVEN BEASTS OF BIBLE PROPHECY In the days of the Assyrian captivity in 677, after Manasseh king of Judah was made a slave in...

A Chosen People: How Should We Consider The Jews Today?

There are many who are advocating the idea that God prefers the fleshly descendants of the Jewish nation above all the other races of...

Daniel 4: The Seven Times IV- The Southern Kingdom

The Southern kingdom of Judah fell into apostasy as their northern sister Israel did. Isaiah prophesied of the captivity to king Hezekiah, who sat...