Daniel 11 is one of the most exhaustive prophecies in all of the Scripture. Believe it or not, much of it has already been fulfilled, and is coming to pass now. For an explanation of verses 1-22 of Daniel 11, click here.

Since the rise of the Roman Empire, God’s people had been directly involved in it’s great phases of transitioning in power. The people had requested a king to be like the heathen, who had a physical king that their eyes could look upon. God foresaw that this would lead them astray, and into rebellion; “they have rejected Me,” the Sovereign of the Universe declared, “that I should not be King over them.”
The sin of David led to the apostasy of Solomon; unquenchable lust led him into idolatry, and his influence was felt in the entire kingdom. From this time, the breach in righteousness was felt from generation to generation. This happened until the kingdom was divided, and was taken into captivity. Eventually, the throne of David, like the throne of Israel before it, was lost in the Babylonian captivity because of rejecting the law of God. “I gave thee a king in Mine anger, and took him away in My wrath.” (Hosea 13:11)
Not far removed from the time of the Babylonian captivity, the people of God now undered hardship under the heathen kings. Their request to have a king like the heathens was more definitely given to them; for now the kings of the heathen held dominion over them. The kingdoms rose, and they fell, and others reigned in their place until the Roman Empire held universal sway over the earth. The Jewish nation had played an active part in the rise of Julius Caesar to the undisputed head of the Roman Empire. And it would be from the successors of Caesar that Messiah the Prince would come.
When the time had come for Christ to be crucified, in bold defiance, the chosen people called for His death. Pontius Pilate at this time spoke words more significant than He realized. He asked the rebellious mob, “Shall I crucify your King?”, to the which the Jews responded, “We have no king but Caesar.” In this statement, their rejection was complete. Thus would Titus, heir to Caesar’s throne, “destroy the city and the sanctuary” (Dan. 9:26)
The remnant of Israel, under the apostolic church, still occupied a place under the bishops of Rome after this destruction. They still were under the dominion of Roman jurisdiction; the kingdom had not been restored to Israel. In fact, it seemed as though the kingdom was almost wholly forfeited, fulfilling the word spoken by Isaiah the prophet: “Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.” (Isaiah 1:9)
From this point forward, it was the remnant who received Christ that were counted for the chosen people. Daniel 11 is to reveal what would befall Daniel’s people in the latter days. Up until Daniel 11:22, the emphasis has been upon Daniel’s people as Jews. Now the transition has taken place, where the emphasis shall not be upon the Jews any further, but upon the Christians which came as a branch from Judaism. The King of the North before had been the king of Syria, which was physically north of Jerusalem. Jerusalem having lost it’s significance through continual rejection of Christ, the antitypical city of the “heavenly Jerusalem” takes prominence and Christians scattered over the entire empire also means a transfer in how we view the “King of the North”.
When the Syrian King of the North succumbed to the Roman Empire, the honors of the King of the North were transferred to the Roman province, who would exalt and exercise it’s power in relation to the Christian believers. Bearing this context in mind, we shall see what befalls Daniel’s people in regard to the time after Christ was crucified.

Click on the arrow of the verses to see an explanation:

Daniel 11:23 - And after the league made with him he shall work deception: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.

The church in Jerusalem, being as a mother to it’s children, were influential upon the rest of the church worldwide. But from the Christian bishop Marcus of Jerusalem came a more startling league with the emperor of Rome. Hadrian was exalted to emperorship, he came to Jerusalem and made the decision to rebuild the city of Jerusalem as a Roman city, renaming it to Aelia Capitolina. One of the leading architects in the project to rebuild was an astrologer, who claimed belief in Christ, named Aquilas, but was rejected by the community of believers. Hadrian, by this means, had become familiar with the Christian rites of observance.
The Jews had revolted only years before the rebuilding, and sanctions were made by Trajan, the former emperor; thus sanctions were enforced and maintained by Hadrian. This erupted into one final bloody conflict between the Roman and the Jews under the Bar Kokhba revolt. This rebellion resulted in a ban upon the Jewish faith across the entire Roman Empire for 3.5 years. Marcus entered into an oath with Hadrian that they could abide in the city; but that they must renounce their likeness to the Jews in their religious observances, making broad the distinction between the Jews and the Christians. Marcus readily agreed, although the bishops in many other provinces plainly told him that he had cast of the faith in making this agreement. Thus, the successor of Caesar would “work deception” and would “become strong with a small people”.
It was said that Hadrian had come close to the Christians, and it was said he would erect in the city a temple for the Christians under Marcus; but a heathen oracle declared that if he should do this, the entire empire would become Christian. The Christians were noted for being associated with the Jews, closing adhering to the principles of their faith; they were regarded as a branch of the Judaic religion. And as such, a league was made with the Christians and the Roman emperor Hadrian. This is “the league made with him (that is the Roman Emperor Hadrian)” causes deception to “become strong with a small people”. As the Jews began a series of ties with Rome, leading to their downfall, this league with Hadrian led to a chain of events which changed the Christian faith, leading to “a falling away” (2 Thes. 2:3). It says the Roman Emperor shall become “strong” with a small people. This is true of the Papal power in Daniel 8, which would wax mighty by the Roman power of the state. “And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.” (Daniel 8:24) Though the compromise was small and seemingly isolated at Jerusalem, Jerusalem’s church was like a mother to the other churches; it was not 30 years and this compromise influenced the church in Rome in a similar manner.

Daniel 11:24 - He (Marcus) shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he (Hadrian) shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he (The Christian bishops) shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.

“He shall enter peaceably upon the fattest places of the province” speaks of the spirit of compromise now overtaking the church. Marcus, the bishop in Jerusalem did that which the Christian fathers did not do; in fact, this compromise not even the Jewish fathers had done before them. By him, many Christians, associated as Jews in the minds of the Romans, and unwilling to embrace the newly adopted faith of the league between Hadrian and the paganized Christians were scattered, chased down, persecuted, and put to death. He, the bishop of the churches, “forecast his devices” for a time. To forecast his devices in the original Hebrew means to imagine his intentions, plots. “They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.”
(Proverbs 1:30-32)

This imagining of “their own devices” would continue “for a time”; which in prophecy is 360 years. The league made with Hadrian was in 136 AD. From verse 24-28, it will deal with significant events of the Christian church in relation to the Roman Empire from 136 AD to 496 AD. Thus, from this time of the compromise with emperor, the Christian bishop would imagine his devices of converting the emperor and the empire to Christianity until it begins to take fruition in 495-496 AD, when emperor Clovis of the united French empire was baptized, and 3000 soldiers with him. This spirit of “forecasting” “against the strongholds” can be witnessed and clearly evidenced more and more among the Christian bishops, who had a yearning for attaining to power and authority in Rome. This time would go until an emperor in Rome would be determined regarding the enforcement of the Christian faith.

Daniel 11:25 - And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him.

As the compromised Christian bishops forecasted their devices for 360 years, Hadrian died, and many of the pagan emperors were strong persecutors of the church. This resulted in restraining the spirit of compromise for nearly two centuries, until these “forecasting of plans” began to take a stronger form. In the very heart of the prophetic period, 180 years later, a Caesar by the name of Constantine arose who converted to the paganized Christianity, which gave a great impetus to the church.
Through the Edict of Milan, he promoted tolerance and unity for the Christians throughout the Empire. He further introduced sun worship of the pagan religion into the church. At this time, Rome, who had seized the title of the king of the north, like Greece of old, was divided into four. The tetrarchy in Rome began warring in the empire; Constantine and with him Licinius fought against Maxentius and Maximinus.
Maximinus had proclaimed himself Caesar, “but he shall not stand”. We are told that “he shall forecast devices”, and now “they shall forecast devices;” signifying the shift from being only the bishops in Jerusalem to becoming a much more widespread sentiment from Christians across the empire. Constantine occupied the northern side, while Maxentius held the soutern territory and was a committed pagan. Constantine, whose mother was a Roman Catholic Christian, before the battle saw a vision of a cross within a sun, and with it words in Greek meaning “In this sign, conquer”. Constantine used the sign of the cross on his soldiers shields to wage war, and won and took the empire. After this, Constantine and Licinius issued the Edict of Milan, promoting tolerance of Christians in the empire. He further proclaimed himself as a Christian; thus was the first official proclamation of a Caesar proclaiming publicly the Christian faith.
Thus it was by this that Constantine further strengthened the forecasting of the Christian bishops. His conversion, like the compromised Christianity of Marcus, was mingled with elements of pagan sun worship. As Pontifex Maximus of Rome, he was the high priest who was to enforce religious decrees upon the subjects of Rome. As Pontifex Maximus, he called for the first ecumenical councils, issuing creeds to define orthodoxy; this served to enforce the Roman-version of Christianity upon all Christians. By the first of these councils, The Council of Nicea, the most important and controversial point of doctrine arose. Introduced in the Nicene Creed was the concept of the Trinity of God, a philosophical three-in-one concept of deity. This creed struck at the heart of “the faith once delivered to the saints…denying the only Lord God, and the Lord Jesus Christ”. The Trinity concept of three divine beings who were honored and worshipped had not been dissimilar to the sun cult’s triad of deities (Sol, Luna, and Mithra) in the Roman Mithraic religion Constantine observed prior to his conversion.
This conversion strengthened the Roman emperors on the side of the bishops in Rome; however, the Nicene Creed of Catholic Christianity had continual opposition from non-trinitarian Christians. For almost a century, the Nicene Creed of Constantine would not prevail in the empire.

Daniel 11:26 - Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain.

When the Roman Catholic Emperor Gratian came to power, he published an edict that all the subjects of the empire should profess the faith of the bishops of Rome and Alexandria, which was the Nicene faith. From this time, Trinitarian Christianity remained in ascendancy throughout the empire. He further renounced the high priesthood of Pontifex Maximus as emperor, and conferred this upon the bishops that were in Rome, who had been the most earnest for the Nicene faith. From this time, the bishops of Rome were known as “the popes.”
Gratian’s army had resented him for appearing in public in the dress of Goths, who they had been at war with for six years. One of the Roman generals, named Magnus Maximus, raised up a revolt which ultimately led to his troops abandoning him. From here, the governor of Lyon, France, surrendered him to Andragathius, one of his rebel generals, who assassinated him; thereby fulfilling the words “they that feed on the portion of his (the Roman Emperor’s) meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow”.
Theodosius, who Gratian had appointed to command the army; and eventually promoted him to become co-emperor with him, thereby leaving him the kingdom. By him, the first heretic was put to death, while the Edict of Thessalonica dedicated the empire to the Nicene faith of the Trinity. In it were announced the words, “We authorize the followers of this law to assume the title of Catholic Christians;”. Pagan temples were destroyed or closed, holy cites, images and objects of veneration in the empire were destroyed, and made a law which prohibited any public non-Christian religious customs, including visiting the pagan temples; anyone caught practicing contrary to the orthodoxy established under Theodosius was to be put to death. A decree against Manichaeism, a form of Christianity, was issued that all devotees of it’s persuasion should be sentenced to death without rights.
Further than this, an uprising took place in Thessalonica, which led to Theodosius slaughtering over 7000 individuals.
“The anger of the Emperor rose to the highest pitch, and he gratified his vindictive desire for vengeance by unsheathing the sword most unjustly and tyrannically against all, slaying the innocent and guilty alike. It is said seven thousand perished without any forms of law, and without even having judicial sentence passed upon them; but that, like ears of wheat in the time of harvest, they were alike cut down…” (Theodoretus, Ecclesiastical History 5.17) After Theodosius reign, he divided his empire between his two sons, Honorius (Western Rome) and Arcadius (Eastern Rome) to be his successors to the Empire.

Daniel 11:27 - And both these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed.

The kings of West and East Rome, Theodosius’ sons Honorius and Arcadius, propogated the Nicene faith through the entire empire. Thus it was that they would “speak lies at one table”; not lies to one another, but deception throughout the empire. Arcadius continued the work his father began, and was succeeded by Theodosius II, who compiled the laws from the time of Constantine forward. This compilation of laws would after serve to persecute true Christians after the 360 years had ended. Honorius was young, and greatly influenced by the Popes of Rome, extending their influence through his weaker character; and Honorius held them in high regard in his part of the empire, thereby magnifying their authority. Nevertheless, “it shall not prosper”, for “the end” of the 360 years, “is at the time appointed.” From this point forward, great wars erupted between the Nicene and ante-Nicene Christians, preventing the full establishment of Rome in the empire.
Despite their stance for the Catholic faith, the Visigoths, Vandals, and the Ostrogoths, who subscribed to the non-trinitarian faith, made aggressive war against Rome, keeping it from establishing it’s purposes. This accompanied with the strong emphasis on religious freedom by the Ostrogothic king Theodacer who seized and reigned in the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic faith would be restrained from exercising absolute, unrestrained power and authority until “the time appointed” when these three powers would be taken out of the way. After this, nothing could hinder the forcasting of the Catholic church’s devices in the empire.

Daniel 11:28 - Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land.

“Then shall he return into his land with great riches”; a more adequate translation for this would be “he carries into his land great riches”. From the Nicene kings, the exaltation of the Popes had granted Catholicism the temples which were formally pagan, the priestly robes, the vestiges of paganism; privileges and immunities that were once afforded to pagan priests were now given to the Catholic bishops. Pope Leo I pushed with great success the doctrine that the church was built upon Peter, and to him was given the authority of Christ Himself on the earth. By this doctrine, he claimed to that the Popes of Rome were the “Vicars of Christ”, and seated upon the throne of David to mediate, reign, and execute judgment, and that until Christ returned, his word was to be obeyed as readily as though it were Christ Himself who spoke. He further claimed that it was through the apostle Peter’s mediation that he could fulfill his duties. An extension of this was making confession to a mere man rather than God.
This heresy placed man in the place of Christ on multiple levels. The doctrine of the one mediator between God and man had been destroyed in the Nicene creed through the worship of the Holy Spirit as a separate being from God the Father. Now, the implications of the doctrine of co-mediatorship was brought out more definitely by the bishops of Rome. It was further insisted that Mary was the “mother of God” in their councils.
By this emphasis, many churches not under the Catholic authority were made subject to the bishop of Rome. The authority claimed that the church was founded upon Peter, the rock, rather than Christ, the Prince of the covenant, who confirms the covenant by His mediation and blood. The bishops of Rome further claimed the authority to change the law of God. By these blasphemous claims to authority, the bishop of Rome’s “heart shall be against the holy covenant.” And this active promotion by the Papal power was the “doing” of exploits with it’s conquest to bring into submission all other churches across the empire. His successor, Pope Hilarius, would cause the churches of Gaul (France) to submit themselves to their authority.
Under Pope Galasius I, it was emphasized that the pope’s authority was above that of any king or emperor, and he lived until the 360 years ended which had firmly positioned the Catholic church and the Nicene faith to a strength which would bring in the dark ages. The forecasting of the apostate devices for papal power united to kingly authority were to be secured, and to be restrained no longer.

Daniel 11:29 - At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter.

This is speaking of the time appointed after the 360 years of forecasting devices was finished, bringing us to 496 AD. At this time, Clovis, the king and unifier of France converted from paganism to Catholicism. A large number of his army would also recognize the Catholic religion as supreme. From this time, he dedicated the nation of France, which by the conquests of Clovis, had consisted of over half of the Roman Empire, to defending the Catholic religion. It was not long until Clovis’ empire was completely converted in 508 AD to the Nicene faith. Thus it was that France, who honored the Pontifex Maximus of Rome, was counted as the king of the north.
Yet south of France were the three non-trinitarian kingdoms, the Visigoths, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths. The king of the south formerly was a power antagonistic to the people of God; and afterwards, the same would be true. Yet these southern kingdoms “shall not be as the former, or as the latter”.
Clovis issued his army to wage war against Alaric, king of the Visigoths in the Battle of Vouille.

Daniel 11:30 - For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.

The non-trinitarian Vandals occupied the African border, where the mediterranean sea is. The Vandals from 455-457 had sent a fleet of ships threatening Gaul (France) and Italy. They further sacked Rome, and though the Roman Empire sought to destroy the Vandals by sending thousands of soldiers and ships against them, they could not prevail. The Vandal activity in the Mediterranean, south of France, was so substantial, that the sea’s name was called “Wendelsea”, meaning “Sea of the Vandals”; it was from this sea that the isles of Chittim were located. The Visigoths also included part of the Mediterranean coast of France, and was instigated by the Goths.
Being grieved by this, Clovis would unite with the Papal authority against the holy covenant by enforcing Papal decrees, and had persecuted the anti-Nicene king Alaric to death.

Daniel 11:31 - And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily..., and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.

“Arms” or an army would stand on behalf of the Papacy from 508. Forced conversions took place. The Albigenses, non-trinitarian Sabbathkeeping Christians, fled to the French alps. There was no longer freedom for any citizen to be anything in Frankish part of the Roman Empire except a Nicene-honoring Catholic Christian; to be otherwise meant certain death. Before this time, paganism had reigned over the people of God oppressively from generation to generation; now this was being taken away, and Papalism would begin to take his seat as the king of the north. From the time of 508 to 538, a 30 year period, the non-trinitarian kingdoms which kept back the Catholic church’s supremacy for over a century were to be a hindrance no longer.
Citizenship was equated with religion; if any did not become Catholic Christian, they would be put to death. The “Sanctuary of strength” speaks of the heavenly Sanctuary spoke of in Daniel 8 which needed to be cleansed. It was polluted because of the sins of those who took upon themselves the profession of Christ. To take this profession is to enter the Sanctuary; to enter it without the cleansing blood of Christ and without consecration to God was to desecrate it. Forced conversion is not based upon individual heart conversion, but forced outward observances to legislation irrespective of the blood of Christ. By this, the power that claimed so high an authority to change God’s law legislated laws against the observance of the law of God, and instituted the sun worship of Catholicism: “the abomination that maketh desolate”.

Daniel 11:32 - And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

The Pope would flatter and honor those who were enforcing the Catholic dogmas upon their subjects, while those kings would honor the Pope’s word in the place of God’s Word. Wickedness overflowed and was strengthened, silencing the voice of reproof. The “people that do know their God” were the Albigenses of France; the Waldenses of Italy; among others who had retreated to the solitary mountains for freedom to worship in accordance with the Scriptures to keep the law of God without persecution. While the Pope’s heart was against the holy covenant, and would do exploits against it in asserting his authority; those who knew their God would honor the blood of the covenant, exalting the authority of God, as doers of the covenant, whose strength was in Christ.

Daniel 11:33 - And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.

Who shall understand these things? The Scripture tells us, “None of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” Those who understood were those who had been familiar with the prophecies of the Scripture, especially the prophecies of Daniel. It is this understanding which confirmed them to stand against great persecution for “a time, times, and half a time” (Daniel 7:25). “Many days” is referring to this time prophecy where the king of the north used the sword of the state to make war against the saints of God.

Daniel 11:34 - Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.

When the faithful people of God were persecuted and tried, their help was found in the reformation. Throughout the Roman Empire/Europe, there were faithful men of God who translated the Scriptures into the common language; in some parts throughout Europe, this even led to spaces of time where religious liberty and freedom of conscience was enjoyed. All of this served to slow the persecution down.
More than this, the warriors of Islam came with a heavy hand upon the Catholic churches, attacking them and driving them away from the true believers, lest they should be overcome.
However, not all that appeared to be help was truly help. Many like Judas would betray the faithful ones with a kiss to the Catholics to be killed, or else to renounce their faith through subtleties. In one such instance, La Trinita, a general for the Papal church, had repeatedly led out armies to the entrance of the valleys where the Waldensian people were. Repeatedly, his army was forced to flee, and he saw a people fierce and determined to not yield their children or families, nor sacrifice their faith; but would rather die than let them into the hands of the Pope and his representatives. So he entered upon them in another manner to deceive them through flatteries.
He sent his secretary, Gastaud, and Jacomel, an inquisitor, prepared with pleasant words of peace which was arrange towards them by the duke and duchess. It was further told to them that if they would only make a few small concessions, leaving their arms, and take them via train to a Catholic mass, for form’s sake, it would be well with them. The pastors and laymen had counselled against taking this course, but nevertheless, many were induced to accept the proposition. After this, they made further concessions to secure terms of peace. They were leavied a heavy sum of money to send away the Papal armies, which required selling their herds. Then after this, were told they must send away their pastors. From this point, they destroyed the crops of corn and oil, and broke their mills in pieces. Forcing them to either starve to death, or submit to Papal authority.

Daniel 11:35 And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.

The time of the end would be after the expiration of the many days of sword, fire, and captivity forced upon the saints. The purpose of this captivity was to fully purge out rebellion, and to show clearly what are the consequences of rebellion. Moreover, it showed the heart of rebellion in a most oppressive form. When Israel and Judah had sinned against the God of heaven, bringing themselves under the power of the heathen, it was the divine purpose to “break the pride of their power” (Lev. 26:19), “be reformed…by these things” (v. 23), and to “hearken” to His words, and honor His covenant.
So thoroughly would He permit this to take place, that He might purge His people, “and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” (Titus 2:14) It was His purpose to bestow the honors of the ten tribes upon men who were prepared to receive it at the time of the end of Israel’s captivity experience which began in 723BC, continued for 1260 years of pagan dominion to 538AD, and would continue for another 1260 years to 1798AD.

Daniel 11:36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.

Still speaking about the Papacy, we have already spoken at length how the doctrinal position was developed that they should speak against the God of gods; that they “cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.” (Daniel 8:12) It further says of the Papal power that “through his policy he shall cause devices to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes…”; the popes magnified their office even unto the Prince of the covenant, and claimed authority to change the circle wafer into the literal flesh of the Son of God, and to crucify Him at their mass at will.
This prospering shall take place until the indignation is accomplished, which we spoke about in the previous verse. What was the indignation? “O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation…For yet a very little while, and the indignation shall cease.”
(Isaiah 10:5, 25)
It was indignation against Israel for the seven times of 2520 years, consisting of three and a half times of pagan and papal dominion. “And the LORD rooted them out of their land in anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation, and cast them into another land, as it is this day.” (Deut. 29:28) America would be the haven for the reformed spiritual Israel, as the new promised land, which was originally intended to shelter from oppression.
We will speak more at length about the end of the indignation periods in the explanation of Daniel 12.

Daniel 11:37-39 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.

Here is simply reiterated the reality of the man of sin “who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” (2 Thes. 2:4) But above this, it refers to the worship of Mary, “the Queen of heaven”, a “strange god, whom he shall acknowledge” which was enshrined in the Papal Trinity doctrine under co-mediatorship. The Papal power has gone to great lengths to have Mary acknowledged and deified by virtue of the false understanding of the person of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity. Here are a few quotes furnished as proof of this:
“Because of Mary’s singular cooperation with the action of the Holy Spirit, the Church loves to pray in communion with the Virgin Mary, to magnify with her the great things the Lord has done for her, and to entrust supplications and praises to her.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2682)

“…the faithful should be carefully instructed about the practice of consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary…it is, in reality, only analogously a ‘consecration to God,’ and should be expressed in a correct liturgical manner: to the Father, through Christ in the Holy Spirit, imploring the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom we entrust ourselves completely, so as to keep our baptismal commitments and live as her children.” (An Introduction to the Liturgy. IV, 1986)

It is customary in the Catholic church to consecrate all lands “strongholds” to Mary. The consecration of cities and regions to the Virgin Mary dates back to around the 9th century AD. A great number of lands in Europe were also consecrated to Mary. This practice has been resurrected in the last century with most startling implications. This “god of forces” can also be translated “goddess of strongholds” in the Hebrew.

In the Catholic Catechism, quoting from Pope Paul VI, it states: “The Church’s devotion to the Blessed Virgin is intrinsic to Christian worship.”… “in the glory of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity,”…the Church is awaited by the one she venerates… as her own mother.” (Catholic Catechism, Art. IX, 971-972)

“What will it cost you, oh Mary, to hear our prayer? What will it cost you to save us? Has not Jesus placed in your hands all the treasures of His grace and mercy? You sit crowned Queen at the right hand of your son: your dominion reaches as far as the heavens and to you are subject the earth and all creatures dwelling thereon. Your dominion reaches even down into the abyss of hell, and you alone, oh Mary, save us from the hands of Satan.” Pope Pius Xl

But while this speaks of Mary, as noted earlier, this is spoken about the co-mediatorship of the Holy Spirit, which leads to the worship of men who are believed to have that Spirit in them. Thus it says in the acknowledging of this God of strongholds, chiefly manifested in the veneration of Mary and the Bishop of Rome, but then acknowledges this “God” as “them”. “He (The Pope) shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain…”; this does not speak of Mary alone, but of all the saints which are venerated and honored in the Catholic church. The whole earth has been divided and dedicated to the saints of the Catholic church. Whole countries have been dedicated to patron and protecting saints as tutelary deities. The country has been divided up, and cities have been consecrated to different saints as witness in our land-San Francisco, St. Louis, St. Paul, St. Augustine, St. Joseph, St. John, St. Mary, And the earth, its countries, its cities, have not only been parceled out to the saints but to clericals of various ranks, the representatives of the Papacy and always and ever to the gain of the Papacy.

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Part 3 (verses 40) Here.




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